
PM AM Corporation Vendor ID Number: 1752804067

Products and Services Offered on Contract:

Product Name Description Contact Person
FAMS False Alarm Management Product line (SaaS).
Municipal False Alarm Ordinance Management.
James McReynolds -
972 573 4824 / JamesM@PMAM.com
PMAM HCM Human Capital Management Platform.
Policy, Training, LMS, Forms, Tests, to Audit/Accreditation.
Bradley Nevill -
972-441-5361 ext. 2 / BradleyN@PMAM.com
Crime Disruptor Crime analysis and prevention software.
Software to Predict and Manage Crime.
James McReynolds -
972 573 4824 / JamesM@PMAM.com

How to Order:

Connect with the product representative as mentioned in the above table.

Generate a purchase order made payable to PM AM Corporation with your DIR reference number.

2-Related Services
FAMS False Alarm Management Product line (SaaS)
All Brands Implementation
Impentation and Setup of service.
All Brands Configuration
Build Out of Product per Customer Needs.
All Brands Project Management
Management of project, oversight of production.
All Brands Technical Services
Rollout of additional software per project

How to Order:

Connect with the product representative as mentioned in the above table.

Generate a purchase order made payable to PM AM Corporation with your DIR reference number.

3-Turnkey Solutions
Turnkey solutions packages to be configured based on customers requirements and it will include but not limited to (Software and Services as listed above)

How to Order:

Connect with the product representative as mentioned in the above table.

Generate a purchase order made payable to PM AM Corporation with your DIR reference number.

Authorized Resellers:


How to Order:

Connect with Bradley Nevill - 972-441-5361 ext. 2 / BradleyN@PMAM.com

Generate a purchase order made payable to PM AM Corporation with your DIR reference number

Contract Information

For more information contact:

Bradley Nevill:

Contract Manager

Phone: 972-441-5361 ext. 2

Email: BradleyN@PMAM.com

PM AM Corporation:

5430 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy #370, Dallas, TX 75240,United States

Phone: 972-831-7400

Fax: 972-831-7499

Email: sales@pmam.com

General Contract Information

Contractor: PM AM Corporation

Contract Number: DIR-CPO-5263

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